Saturday, May 3, 2008

Payment Received in April

I was paid by the following PTC / PTR sites in the month of April

Kooplinks - $0.12 (This site no more exists)

Ptc-House - $0.15

Clicksalary - $0.03 (This site no more exists)


smartinah said...

Hi I'm smartinah your friend in mylot I'll just visit your blog and it's really intersting, thanks for the comment.

Experiments said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a nice comment.

gabesmom said...

Hi! Good luck on your experiments. I hope you find the best programs that will work for you. I just want to suggest putting your PTCs in one URL such as:
Most of your sites are there anyway. It will be easier to promote. The list is constantly updated to make sure that the sites included are worthwhile.

Best regards!